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CSV Generation Closest Date Algorithm Example Report Engine Standardizing Error Messages Text Message Notifications Download as Markdown

code sample 2

Closest Date Algorithm
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about this sample

This sample of code takes data gathered by hitting the Invoice endpoint and calculates the date of the next invoice in it. It is used in two places: first, in the registration summary page, as shown below. It is also shown on the Update Card Information page on the payment user accounts.

const parseDateTime = (invoiceData) => {
                    let dateParseArray = [];
                    invoiceData.forEach(element => {
                        let date = new Date((Date.parse(element.InvoiceDate.substring(0, 10))));
                    let today = new Date();
                    dateParseArray = dateParseArray.sort((a, b) => {
                        let distanceA = Math.abs(today - a);
                        let distanceB = Math.abs(today - b);
                        return distanceA - distanceB;
                    }).filter((d) => {
                        return d - today > 0;
                    if (dateParseArray[0] === undefined) {
                        return "";
                    const nextScheduledMonth = dateParseArray[0].getUTCMonth() + 1;
                    const nextScheduledDay = dateParseArray[0].getUTCDate();
                    const nextScheduledYear = dateParseArray[0].getUTCFullYear();
                    const dateString = `${nextScheduledMonth}/${nextScheduledDay}/${nextScheduledYear}`;
                    return dateString;
                export { parseDateTime };

closest date algorithm

Some of the salient features of this code chunk include the use of features in JavaScript EcmaScript 6 (ES6). This includes the use of arrow functions, templated strings, and use of keywords let and const. This matches industry standard specifications of how to write JavaScript. Additionally, I configured ESLint, a JavaScript static code analysis tool, to enforce these styles throughout our JavaScript files. This helps keep our JavaScript styles consistent, a key software engineering principle.

The sample uses a sorting algorithm to find the nearest date to today in the future, so it demonstrates understanding of last semester's Algorithms/Introduction to Software Engineering course. Additionally, this code is encapsulated in its own utility class to minimize code duplication and maximize code reuse.

Report Summary

use of the closest date algorithm is shown in the bottom right.